Maragogype is one of the parents of the Pacamara variety and a related variety called Maracaturra
A variety qualified as a good to very good coffee quality in Central America. Maragogype is one of the parents of the Pacamara variety and a related variety called Maracaturra. It is said to have originated from a natural mutation of Typica discovered near the Brazilian city of Maragogype in 1870. The mutation with a single dominant gene makes the beans, the spacing between the internodes, and the leaves particularly large. Maragogype also has giant beans larger than size 20, while coffee beans are generally classified from size 10 to size 20. Size 10 corresponds to a 4 mm bean, while size 20 corresponds to 8 mm. For Maragogype, the larger the beans, the higher the quality. The Maragogype plant produces in the fourth year, on average, after planting and generally has a low yield, around three tons of ripe berries for one hectare of plantation, which can vary according to altitude. Maragogype is an exceptional bean, and experts with World Coffee Research note sensations of flowery and sweet flavors, from which emerge spicy notes, touches of melting chocolate, and orange marmalade, with a minimum of caffeine. Maragogype is therefore an exceptional coffee, a rare variety, and of very high quality, but very fragile and very sensitive to rust, which justifies the high price of this product.

Croissance du Caturra

Martin Dostie, Appalaches Torréfacteur
The imaginary legacy of Maragogype
Maragogype is part of the environmental legacy of the plantation but also of its cultural imagination. We named it Le Griton in reference to the howler monkey, giant of the heights of the plantation and the giant beans of this variety…