Caturra comes from a natural mutation of a variety of Bourbon.
Caturra comes from a natural mutation of a variety of Bourbon. It was discovered in a plantation in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil between 1915 and 1918. One of its genes causes its dwarf, compact growth. Its yield potential is good and of standard quality in Central America but susceptible to the rust that has devastated the region. It begins to produce in its third year of planting, requires a lot of nutritional care, and can be planted with a density of 5,000 to 6,000 trees per hectare.

Croissance du Caturra

Guillaume Isabelle, Micro Torréfacteur Géogène
The imaginary legacy of Caturra
Caturra is part of the environmental legacy of the plantation but also of its cultural imagination. Enraptured by the flocks of toucans and parrots flying over the plantation, we had to name it Le Picoudo…