Catimor is a cultivar resulting from the hybridization of hybrid Timor (resistant to coffee rust thanks to its Robusta genetics) and Caturra.
Developed in Portugal in 1959 by scientists looking for high yield, high disease resistance, and a smaller plant size. First introduced in Brazil in the 1980s, it quickly spread to Central America, given its attractive yield. Its optimal altitude is between 700 m and 1000 m. At higher altitudes, the flavors of Caturra, Catuai, and Bourbon are preferred. Resistant to the ravages of rust and the coffee moth beetle. Limited but stable palette of flavors. Catimor tends to have a shorter lifespan. It is a smaller cultivar, allowing for closer planting. Catimor has high productivity if well maintained, closely monitored, and properly fertilized, which can be expensive.